4 June 2020

लॉकडाउन का अनुभव... #covid-19 #lockdown #2020

21 वी सदी, 2020 वा वर्ष , चीते से भी तेज़ दौड़ती दुनिया। तेज़ रफ़्तार बुलेट ट्रैन , पृथ्वी के एक छोर से दूसरे छोर तक का सफर मिनटों में तय करने वाले हवाईजहाज ,भव्य गगनचुम्भी इमारतें , ज़मीं के नीचे चलने वाली मेट्रो ट्रैन , हवा में झूलते बड़े बड़े फ्लाईओवर , मंगल तक की उड़ान, परमाणु ऊर्जा से समृद्ध राष्ट्र ,चाँद पर घर बसाने की ख़्वाहिश, अत्याधुनिक तकनीक और सबसे ऊपर कुदरत को चुनौती देता मानव जाती का बढ़ता हुआ अहंकार ... और फिर सब एक ही बार में थम सा गया। मानो  समय के पहिये की गति मंद हो गई और सम्पूर्ण संसार एक बड़े से स्थूल शून्य में समा गया।

                               चीन के 'वुहान' शहर के मांस बाजार से जनित जीवाणु  'नोवल कोरोना वायरस COV-2 ' ने जापान ,इटली, फ्रांस,अमरीका ,भारत से होते हुए  पूरे विश्व में 'COVID-19' नामक बीमारी को आग की तरह फैला दिया और इस बीमारी ने महामारी का रूप लेकर पूरे विश्व को नागपाश की भांति अपने आवेश में जकड़ लिया। इस कारण विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने इसे वैश्विक महामारी घोषित कर दिया। यह तो हम सब को विदित ही है कि अब तक इसका कोई ठोस इलाज नहीं है। इसे सिर्फ सावधानी और सतर्कता से ही रोका जा सकता है।

                               बहरहाल इस कोरोना महामारी के कारण हमारे माननीय प्रधानमंत्री मोदी जी ने पूरे भारत में 23 मार्च से लॉकडाउन घोषित कर दिया है। अब लॉकडाउन भला किसको पसंद होता है।  वैसे तो हम अपने काम से वक़्त ना मिलने की शिकायत करते रहते थे परन्तु अब जब वक़्त ही वक़्त मिल गया तब ख़ुशी नहीं असहजता महसूस कर रहे हैं।  हालाँकि शुरुआत के 4-5  दिन तो लगभग आसानी से कट गए। कभी पुराने मित्रों से बात कर
ली तो कभी टाँगें फैला के चैन की नींद सो लिए।  लेकिन फिर इससे आगे का वक़्त मानो कैद सा लगने लगा। फिर भी मनुष्य जाति  सामंजस्य बैठा ही लेती है और अब तो इसके आलावा कोई और चारा भी नहीं  था हमारे पास।  तो हम लोगों ने अब इस लॉकडाउन का आनंद उठाना शुरू कर दिया। अब घर को ही मंदिर-मस्ज़िद मानकर भगवान का ध्यान किया जाने लगा। आजकल शाम को दादा-दादी की पुरानी कहानियाँ बड़े चाब से सब बच्चे सुनने को बैठ जाते हैं क्यूँकि अब कितना ही कॉर्टून देखें वो। खेर कहानियाँ भी उनके पसंदीदा कार्टूंनों से बेहतर है  जिसे वो बच्चे अब समझ पा रहे हैं।    

इन प्यारे बच्चों के साथ आज  सारे बड़े भी बच्चे बन गए और सबने लूडो ,केरम ,सांप-सीढ़ी ,तम्बोला ,गुट्टे , राजा मंत्री चोर सिपाही आदि खेलों का काफी आनंद लिया। घर की महिलाओं के साथ आज पुरुष वर्ग कंधे से कन्धा मिला कर खड़ा हुआ। जी हाँ दरसल रसोई में पुरुषों ने भी घर की महिलाओं की काफी मदद की है इस लॉकडाउन में और जाना स्त्री किस कदर घर संभालती है जो कोई छोटा-मोटा काम नहीं होता। दसवीं में आई बच्चियां अपनी माँ के हाथ की सिलाई-कढ़ाई देख कर उसको सिखने का प्रयास करती नज़र आ रही हैं।   

                             आज पूरा परिवार मानो 90 के दशक के समान एक साथ रहने लगा है। कई दिनों के बाद सुबह का नास्ता हो या रात के खाने के बाद का गरमा-गरम दूध ,सबने एक ही छत के नीचे साथ मिलकर साझा किया। इस सब के बीच दूरदर्शन ने रामायण और महाभारत का पुनः प्रसारण करके भारतीयों के ह्रदय में पारिवारिक मूल्यों एवं धर्म के प्रति आस्था का पुनः संचार कर दिया। और सबसे रोचक बात आज पिंटू ने कई दिनों बाद सुबह-सुबह प्राणायाम के बहाने सोनम को उसकी छत पर हाथ में किताब लिए बालों से खेलते देखा। क्यूँकि वो पुरे तीन साल बाद ही तो दिल्ली से आयी है अपने घर जीरापुर।

                            खैर अभी तो यह लॉकडाउन जल्द समाप्त होता नज़र नहीं आ रहा।  लेकिन जब यह लॉकडाउन खत्म होगा तब परिणाम कुछ ठीक नहीं होंगे।  मैं यह अंदाजा लगा सकता हूँ की शायद हम स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से तो ठीक हों परन्तु आर्थिक रूप से हमको काफी नुक्सान होने की आशंका है। बाजार में काफी उछाल - गिराव दिखेगा , चीज़ों के दाम आसमान छुएँगे, कुछ उपक्रम अपने कर्मचारियों को संसाधनों की कमी के कारण नौकरी से निकाल भी सकते हैं ,मंदी का दौर आ भी सकता है।  

                    लेकिन जो भी हो हम सब भारतवासी साथ मिलकर मेहनत करेंगे और अपनी आर्थिक व्य्वस्था को दोबारा सही मार्ग पर लाने का पूरा-पूरा प्रयास करेंगे। बस भगवान से अब यही प्रार्थना है की वो हमको जल्द से जल्द इस महामारी से निजात दिलाए जिससे सभी दोबारा निर्भीक होकर अपने-अपने कार्य कर सकें। विद्यार्थी नवीन उत्साह के साथ स्कूल जाएँ ,कामकाजी वर्ग अपने-अपने धंधे संभाले और  राज व्यवस्था सुचारु रूप से चल सके। 

नोट  :  इस कठिन समय में डॉक्टर ,नर्सें , सफाई कर्मचारी ,पुलिस , शासन एवं प्रशासन भगवान बनके ही हम सब की रक्षा कर रहे हैं। इन सभी को मेरा दिल से सलाम।   

             -: मनु शर्मा 

19 April 2020

Ashok Chakra Havildar Hangpan Dada

"Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who  died protecting it."


In India, the incidents of cross-border infiltrations, movements and attacks by terrorists are not new. A similar kind of incident happened in the Naugam sector of Kashmir in May,2016. The movement of a group of four terrorists was noticed in the harsh Himalayan terrain of Naugam in Jammu & Kashmir. Taking action against this infiltration, an order was passed by the concerned authorities to Havildar Hangpan Dada to neutralize the infiltration by the terrorists.

On May 26, 2016, Dada, as Sabu post commander of 35 Rashtriya Rifles (RR) with his team took the charge. Dada, being a true leader and an Indian Army soldier led his team from the front . There was a close encounter between the Dada's team and the terrorists. Dada fought with intelligence and great valor. Terrorists hid behind the rocks still Dada killed two terrorists immediately after spotting them. After this, Dada moved forward to the third terrorist and killed him in close combat however during the fight , the fourth terrorist fired at Dada and he got injured but recollecting his strength, Dada stood up again to kill that terrorist. But in the procees Dada was shot again and got severely injured. Reacting to this a team member of Dada sieved the terrorist's chest with bullets .

                      And in this way, all the four terrorists were neutralized and the operation was successful but at the same time, India lost one of her brave sons. Havildar Hangpan Dada sacrificed his life for the sake of his motherland.

             Literally, soldiers like Dada are the real backbone of the Indian defence forces . Hangpan Dada was born in Borduria village, Tirap district,Arunanchal Pradesh. He joined the 3rd battalion of the Parachute Regiment on 28 October 1997. In 2005, he was transferred to the Assam Regimental Centre, and on 24 January 2008, he joined the 4th battalion, Assam Regiment. He then requested a transfer to a Rashtriya Rifles battalion on operations in Jammu and Kashmir and then he was posted to 35 Rashtriya Rifles in May 2016 where he killed four terrorists with his team. Dada was married to ChasenLowang and had two beautiful children, daughter Roukhin and son Senwang. Sengwang wants to become an Indian Army officer.
             Dada was awarded with Ashoka Chakra (posthumous) , the highest military gallantry award during peace-time operations on 26 Jan 2017.
Salute to Ashok Chakra Havildar Hangpan Dada.......JAI HIND !

Thank you,
Manu Sharma

29 December 2016



Clean India Mission or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is an initiative of government of India for the cleanliness and sanitation in India. It is launched by prime minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi  on 2 october 2014,Gandhi Jayanti,145th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. It aims to make India ODF i.e. open defecation free till 2019,150th birthday of Gandhi ji.Under this mission, citizens of India are requested to contribute 100 hours in a year for cleanliness.

History of the mission : The Comprehensive Rural Sanitation Program has reconstructed to Total Sanitation Campaign on 1 april 1999 and then it has changed to Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan in 2012. And in 2014 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Mission is launched.

Primitive Aim of mission : Under this mission, India is to be made open defecation free till 2019.It aims to construct 12 crore toilets  in rural areas. This mission costs to 1.96 lakh crore rupees.

Now on the ground reality, India is such a place where the citizens enjoy a lot of freedom. In India spitting on the roads, urinating on the walls, throwing waste and empty packets from running cars etc are too common. In India we have a Domestic Waste Management System according to which we keep our houses clean and on the other hand throw the whole waste on the roads or in nearby  areas.

            And when we came to know that environment is getting polluted,there is waste everywhere then we come to remember our social responsibility and then we blame our government ,municipal corporations and related workers for the whole fault. And if that was not sufficient, we use a great tool called as #tag . We write a lot of complaints about the whole mismanagement and all and put our long posts on the social media. But seriously we do nothing on the ground to eradicate the problem.Cleanliness can't be achieved by these all. We have to work hard on the field for that.

But even after all this,the Clean India Mission has contributed in changing  the mindset of people.It is true that some people are continuously saying that Clean India Mission can not do anything and their logic behind this is that "yeh India hai.....yahan esa hi hota hai.....log nahin sudhrenge". I think we should ignore all this bullshit because small initiatives are necessary for a big change and Clean India Mission is like that one initiative in the field of sanitation and cleanliness.

           Today, a boy of 1st standard also knows that he has to throw the pencil shavings in the dustbin after sharping his pencil. The "Kachda Gadi" is running in the morning and evening times to collect the wastage from houses and shops.The dustbins are placed by the govt. bodies at various places in the cities.There is an arrangement of awareness programs in the schools and colleges regarding cleanliness. And people are also participating in the activities in order to clean their surroundings. So all this shows that mindset of people is changing.

 Lets take the example of Sikkim . Sikkim is the ranked 1st state in India in cleanliness.
  • here, the mindset of people is very positive regarding sanitation.
  • here, smoking is banned in open and govt. has constructed separate smoking rooms for smokers so that they can go there and smoke. 
  • there is an"Anti Spitting Policy" here according to which if you spit on road then there is a fine of 200 rupees. 
  • here,there is a system that every taxi driver carries a mobile dustbin in the taxi.
  The corporate sectors have also come forward to help in eradicating the problem. TCS, Mahindra Group , Rotary International have pledged to construct 3195 toilets. 71 PSUs have said to construct 86781 toilets. Govt. is giving 12000 rupees to a BPL families to construct a toilet in their houses. 17387 pledges have been taken under this mission to clean India. 12477 active participants are there under this scheme. 

 So, all these things prove that people are thinking about cleanliness and sanitation. Mindset of people is changing . Its true that it is on slow rate but still change is going on. For inspiring people, govt. has invited some public figures as Kapil Sharma, Priyanka Chopra, Sachin Tendulkar,Saurabh Ganguli, Kiran Bedi etc.

     But afterall we have to think about our country. We have to work together to make India clean beacuse if we would not take care of our land then who would do that ? So, lets participate in this beautiful mission. Keep yourself, your houses, your city,your state clean and in the manner you will contribute in making India clean. So, lets come together and take  good step in the field of cleanliness and sanitation. 

      "swachh bharat : ek kadam swachhta ki ore"


thank you,
with regards,
Manu Sharma,
IET-DAVV, Indore (M.P.).

20 December 2016



Free speech is the right to express any opinion without the fear of censorship.Under the article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the ICCPR (International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights) it is stated that everyone has the right to freedom of expression but it also includes the protection of national securities, public order, public health and morals.
In India free speech is described under article 19 of Indian Constitution . It states ,"every citizen of India has the right to freedom of expression but should not affect the integrity, morality and contempt of court."
Under Indian law, the freedom of speech and of the press do not confer an absolute right to express one's thoughts freely.Clause (2) of Article 19 of the Indian constitution enables the legislature to impose certain restrictions on free speech under following heads:
  • security of the State
  • friendly relations with foreign States
  • public order
  • decency and morality
  • contempt of court
  • defamation
  • incitement to an offence
  • sovereignty and integrity of India
Free speech is not an illusion ,it is present in reality . In India everyone is free to speak anything what he/she wants to . Everybody has the right to express his/her views openly and freely .There are rules and laws regarding free speech at national and international level which proves the existence of free speech.
There are some examples which prove that free speech is not a illusion and it is practised well in India too. These are :
  • media is using its liberty due to the right of free speech.
  • there is a process of fair trials in court to put your side and opinion freely.
  • in the social media anybody can like,comment,post and share .
  • there is an arrangement of opposition in the parliament in order to keep a check on the power.
  • the public figures can be criticized .
  • the debates, speeches, discussions, public meetings and protests etc are examples of free speech.
  • recently, the court has ended the section 66A of IT act .Now, anyone can freely comment and post. there will be no immediate arrest regarding controversial statements.police have to take the permission of the court first in order to arrest someone against IT act.

So, all these examples show that free speech is practised in India and there is no illusion in the case of free speech.Now there are some 'so called' intellectuals which regularly say that free speech is not present in India. So for them, there are some more examples which surely prove the practice of free speech freely in India. These examples may ashamed you but it is necessary to put them because these would certainly prove that anybody can say anything in India.These are :
  • Mr. Azam Khan called Modi as a 'big dog'. he called Amit Shah as 'gunda no. 1'. he said that,"Paris attacks are result of global super power. "
  • Mr. Lalu Prasad said ," Modi chai ni khoon bechta hai."
  • Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav gave a ridiculous statement regarding a rape incident that ,"ladke hain, ladkon se galti ho jati hai."
  • Mr. Pravin Togadia said that ,"atankwaad ka koi majhab hai aur wo islam hai."
  • Mr. Asaduddin Owaisi said that ,"Modi kutta hai kutte ka baccha hai."
  • Mr. Digvijaya Singh called Meenakshi Natrajan as '100 tanch maal.' 

    the further slogans which were raised during a 'so called' cultural event at a very respective educational campus may surely disturb you more . these are :
    • bharat tere tukde honge , insha allah insha allah.
    • tum kitne Afzal maroge har ghar se afzal niklega .
    • Afzal hum sharminda hain, tere katil zinda hain.
    • bharat ki barbadi tak jang rahegi.
    •  bharat se nahin bharat main azadi chahiye.
    • India go back. 

    so these were some non-acceptable and anti national slogans which were raised during a night at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi .These slogans may disturb any Indian but it is necessary to put them because it  shows that free speech is practised very well in India and sometimes is is not only used but misused too.
    Some leaders like Yasin Malik, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq etc. in Kashmir area are continuously misusing this right of free speech and misguiding the young generations of Kashmir and related areas.

    So, there would be some limitations on this right so that it can't be misused. ATI SARVATRA VARJAYET i.e. everything beyond a limit is dangerous  so we should take care about what we are saying. we should take care and respect national security, public order, interests and morals. we should not say anything that adversely affect the nation and its integrity.

    Hence we can say that free speech is not an illusion and its really present in India but it should be practised with some care that it would be  beneficial for us and our country too.
    thank you,
    with regards,
    Manu Sharma,
    IET-DAVV, Indore (M.P.).